In Class for maths this term we have been learning all about strategy maths. I am in Stage 6. We are learning to use the best strategy for each problem. There are four strategies that we are learning about. Rounding and Compensating, Reversibility, Equal addition and Place Value partitioning.
I think that I am good at Rounding and Compensating and Equal addition but I think I need to work on Reversibility and Place Value partitioning.
Big Idea:
In class our teacher told us that we had to work out this sheet of questions. Since I am in stage six we had to work out each question with two strategies. There where objects with the price and then there where questions we had to answer we also had to show our working out:
- Have a sum more that $550
- Have a difference between $ 40 and $60
- Have a sum of exactly $426
- Have a difference of $134
Well done you have done really well and it looks like you have put a lot of work and effort into it because of the lot of detail you have and all the right strategies it looks like you really know what you are talking about-Bella M
I think that I am good at Rounding and Compensating and Equal addition but I think I need to work on Reversibility and Place Value partitioning. I think that I always work out Rounding and compensating really well!
Hannah, you have clearly shown how you solved these questions and what strategy you have used. Your presentation is easy to follow and your viewers can see what to do in each strategy to get the right answer. Keep working on the strategies that aren't concrete in your head yet as I know you will get there. (The Power of Yet!!!)