“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. ”
Purpose: To set a learning goal for school, friendships, sports and personal.
WALT: Set Smart Goals
S.M.A.R.T. means Specific, Measurable, Attainable,Realistic and Time-sensitive.
Specific: Don’t be vague. What exactly do you want?
Measurable: Quantify your goal. How will you know if you’ve achieved it or not?
Attainable: Be honest with yourself about what you can reasonably accomplish at this point in your life, taking into consideration your current responsibilities.
Realistic: It’s got to be doable, real and practical.
Time: Associate a time frame with each goal. When should you complete the goal?
Criteria: I can write 4 learning goals that are
Peer Comment
Overall, how well do you think your learning partner has done?
My writing goal is to...
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because...
I will accomplish my goal by...
My reading goal is to...Is to compare and contrast a variety of different texts.
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because...It will help me know lots of different words.
I will accomplish my goal by...Reading lots of different books.
My maths goal is to...To Plus and Subtracting decimal
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because... Is because I don’t know much about Decimals.
I will accomplish my goal by...Practicing at home and working hard
My sports goal is to...
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because...
I will accomplish my goal by...
My personal goal is to...
The reason I have decided to focus on this goal is because...
I will accomplish my goal by...
Great! I love decimals! Hmmm much to do, we have... much to do (said in a Yoda voice).