We think that we can relate the message in this movie to our learning...Its like being stuck in our learning, we need to ask for help and we need to look for ways to solve the problem ourselves. We thought it would be fun to make our own movie to get this message across. We had 2 groups of criteria for our movie...
Criteria: (Content)
- Video - 30 seconds long, time is limited.
- Scenario - Show someone being stuck and not using the ability to act.
- Clear Message - Short sharp clip. Can the watcher get the point of your video?
- Unique - Coming up with something funny that gets a laugh from others.
- Time Passing - Do you need to show time passing in your clip to emphasise your message.
Criteria: (Movie)
- Light - Make sure the sun isn’t creating a hard to see clip.
- Voice Volume - Needs to be louder than other background volume eg Noise, Kids.
- Frame - What’s in the frame to make your message obvious.
- Steady Hands - Make sure the camera is still.
- Individual Clips - Don’t do one continuous shot of 30 seconds. Make a range of short clips and join together.
Feedback and Feedforward: Good Job Hannah you really have worked hard on your movie, the one
thing that could be fixed is the 1 hour later at the start does not really fit the movie. The one thing I really like about the movie is time passing turning the chair. I love it! Grace
Sophie, Hannah & Sophie - You have created a movie with a strong message. I particularly like the way you have shown time passing by Sophie spinning in the chair! I wonder if you have had a time in your learning, where the solution has been so obvious, but you haven't been able to take a step in the right direction!