W.A.L.T to use a various sources of information to better understand the authors message. SC: Use prior knowledge and text to form logical opinions.
Question 1 that I asked. What made you write this book? An experience or something that happened to you?
Question 2 that I asked. What is your favourite part in the story that you wrote and why was it your favourite part?
Question 3 that I asked. How many hours did you spend writing the book. How many days did it take you to finished your published piece?
Question 4 that I asked. My main goal for reading this term is to compare different books. Is there any books that you read before you wrote wonder and did they inspire you to be the best writer you could be?

Do you agree with this quote? Why/why not? Did you find out whay RJ Palacio wrote this book? Do you write with a purpose?