Thursday, 19 February 2015

Stuck on a escalator

On Monday, we watched a really funny movie about 2 people who get stuck on an escalator. 


We think that we can relate the message in this movie to our learning...Its like being stuck in our learning, we need to ask for help and we need to look for ways to solve the problem ourselves. We thought it would be fun to make our own movie to get this message across. We had 2 groups of criteria for our movie...

Criteria: (Content)
  • Video - 30 seconds long, time is limited. 
  • Scenario - Show someone being stuck and not using the ability to act. 
  • Clear Message - Short sharp clip. Can the watcher get the point of your video?
  • Unique - Coming up with something funny that gets a laugh from others. 
  • Time Passing - Do you need to show time passing in your clip to emphasise your message. 

Criteria: (Movie)
  • Light - Make sure the sun isn’t creating a hard to see clip. 
  • Voice Volume - Needs to be louder than other background volume eg Noise, Kids.
  • Frame - What’s in the frame to make your message obvious. 
  • Steady Hands - Make sure the camera is still. 
  • Individual Clips - Don’t do one continuous shot of 30 seconds. Make a range of short clips and join together.
Here is my movie that my friends and I made.

Feedback and Feedforward: Good Job Hannah you really have worked hard on your movie, the one
thing that could be fixed is the 1 hour later at the start does not really fit the movie. The one thing I really like about the movie is time passing turning the chair. I love it! Grace

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Term 1 Swimming

Yay! It's Term 1 and that means Swimming. In my Swimming group we have been creating a short movie to show our skills. After we had created the video, we looked back at our video and observed what we could get better at. The we made a goal.

My goal is:
Since looking back at my videos I have made a goal. My goal is to get faster, I think that I can get faster by kicking harder and when I am doing freestyle pulling my  my hands through the water continuously! I will try to accomplish this goal by swimming sports so that I can showcase this goal in the water. Also how I will know that I have accomplished this goal by someone filming me, and then I watch it and compare my goal with the two videos I will have filmed!
Here is the link to the youtube video: 
(I am the second person swimming).

4 Weeks later:
I have been practicing my swimming goal, a few days ago it was our last day of swimming so my friend filmed me swimming to see if I have achieved my goal.

I think I have achieved my goal as well as my technique. My swimming teacher said that I needed to not splash down my hands on the water so much, because every time I do that it makes me slow down. Also at swimming sports I got into the finals for 2 of my races which I was proud of because I am better at long distance. So therefore I think that I have achieved my goal. Here is my second video.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Maths Knowledge Test

In class we a doing a maths test all about our knowledge skills. I started of by passing Test 4, then test 5 and then it came time for the stage 6 test, it was really hard! I didn't pass but I though I got quite a good score. After we had completed our stage 6 test, we got a chance to redeem ourselves by getting a buddy to call out a similar question to the one we got wrong, and then we had to answer the question in at least 3 seconds if we got the question right the the time frame of 3 second's we got to put a tick next to the cross to show that we got the question that our buddy asked us right!
Here is all 3 of the maths test's:
                                                                          Stage 4
                                                                           Stage 5

Stage 6 
Big Idea:

I think I did really well in the first test and I thought it was quite easy, the second test was much harder, but I think I did pretty well, (Although I did guess a few). Stage 6 was definitely the hardest! I tried hard to think about what I knew and what I didn't know, and I answered the question from there!
My current goal at the moment is to write numbers in order to 1, 000, 000,  including fractions.

Here is an example: 
Write smallest to largest
111 985, 111 987, 111 978, 111, 999

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Going Back

In class I have been working on some writing about my school years and some of my memories at school.

Purpose: To share memories of my childhood

Here is my writing,

Remember back in year 5 when I was anxiously waiting on the hard rigid ground? Patiently waiting for my name to get called out... Then Hannah Kiwi house leader for 2015.

Remember my first year in Poutama? Not knowing were to go, not even knowing were some of my friends were. Not even knowing what classes I was in for reading, writing, spelling or math!

Remember scrambling up some bars at school then falling and plunging onto the ground and breaking my nose? I didn't want to go home because I  knew that we where doing art after brunch!

                                                           That was me growing up!