Monday, 30 June 2014

Bookepida Task

Walt: discuss what we have read.

Task: To create something that tells the reader what we have been discussing with our reading buddies. 

In bookepida we have to read a story that our reading teacher has given us to read and then we have to discuses what we have read with our reading partners. We have to usually discuss what we do understand what we don't understand and the meaning of juicy words.

Here is Amy, Bella and my discussion. 

What does Inuit mean?    We researched it and it was a type of person who lives in Antarctica.

What did we understand? We learnt that Some people adapt to Cretan heat.

What did we not understand?  How do people get more heat and energy than others?

  For a little explanation on what brought this question up. I love warm weather, 85-93f (29.44-33.88c). I get cold really easy, and when I do its difficult to warm back up. However, I have a friend who prefers winter-typed weather. When it gets down in the 50's and even the 40's, he's still wearing tank tops and shorts. If its 70 degrees, he's sweating and I'm shivering. If you sit next to him, you can really feel the heat radiate off of him, and one time when it was 15f (-9.44c) out, he came in without a jacket on, and he touched my arm and it was really warm.
So, after that. What causes someone to feel hotter, or to generate or put out more heat? How can one person shiver at 70 and the next person sweat at the same temperature? Also, not sure if this information is relevant but, we are both males in our mid twenties.
What does Inuit mean?    We researched it and it was a type of person who lives in Antarctica.

What did we understand? We learnt that Some people adapt to Cretan heat.

What did we not understand?  How do people get more heat and energy than others?

  For a little explanation on what brought this question up. I love warm weather, 85-93f (29.44-33.88c). I get cold really easy, and when I do its difficult to warm back up. However, I have a friend who prefers winter-typed weather. When it gets down in the 50's and even the 40's, he's still wearing tank tops and shorts. If its 70 degrees, he's sweating and I'm shivering. If you sit next to him, you can really feel the heat radiate off of him, and one time when it was 15f (-9.44c) out, he came in without a jacket on, and he touched my arm and it was really warm.
So, after that. What causes someone to feel hotter, or to generate or put out more heat? How can one person shiver at 70 and the next person sweat at the same temperature? Also, not sure if this information is relevant but, we are both males in our mid twenties.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Grasshopper Tennis

WALT:  improve our small ball skills like catching, throwing, and hitting. 

Description: We have been participating in a tennis programme with Big John (John Salisbury) from Tennis Manawatu. He has taught us some tennis skills that help with controlling and hitting the ball
Why? To reflect on how we are going with the tennis skills we have learnt. We will share this during our Student Led Conference.
When? Week 8
Who? The World
Task: complete the rubric with targets to show your reflection.

  1. What are you most proud of and why? 
    I am proud of going out there and giving everything a good go even if I found a task that we had to do challenging.
  1. What challenged you the most and Why? 
    One task that I found really hard was when I had to turn the racquet on it's side and bounce the ball onto the racquets side. It was called cut the cheese.

    1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?
                      1. Well we did a lot of buddy tasks and one was when we had to grab two tennis racquets and then we had to grab a buddy and that buddy had to hold onto the same tennis racquets as what you were holding. Then what you had to do is grab the ball and through it over the net to the other team and they had to catch it. I found this hard because if the ball was going one way the other buddy went one way and the other buddy went another way!

                                Success criteria:

        Buddy comment: You did a great job achieving most of your goals Hannah! I found slice the cheese a really hard task to! Next time you could have added a bit more detail in your description. TRY and achieve the rest of your goals next term!
        From Aye

        Thursday, 19 June 2014

        SLC Writing.

        WALT: Inform

        Description: Write an explanation about something that you have learnt about energy.

        What: We are publishing our piece of writing.

        Why? To share on our blog and during our Student Led Conference.

        When? Week 6

        Who: The world

        Here is my writing:

        I am going to explain to you all about potential and kinetic energy. There are lots of ways you can show and explain energy. Lets get started explaining all about potential energy...

        Potential energy is “ready” to do something, but it hasn’t happened yet. It’s got the ability to do things. For example if a ball is at the top of a hill it has the potential to roll down it. I’ll give you another example. Lets say that you have a pen and it is on the end of a table and it is hanging over the edge, that is potential energy because if I give the table a jolt it will fall off and turn into kinetic energy. Potential energy is something that is not just sitting there it has to  be able to move, and able to do something when you interact with it.

        Then on the other hand there is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is when something is moving. It’s transferring from when I am holding the “object”. When I am holding the object it has my energy but when I let it go it has it’s own energy to do things. If I push a ball down a hill it has kinetic energy because it is moving, it is moving down the hill.

        Did you know that every action has a reaction? That was Sir Isaac Newtons third law.
        Sir Isaac Newton is the person who invented the Newtons Cradle. He invented it to show people how a Newtons Cradle works and how it can demonstrate potential and kinetic energy.  Lets say that I have a Newtons cradle, and that I am holding just one of the metal beads. At that moment it has potential energy because it  will  bang into all the other metal beads. So once you have let that certain bead go it bangs onto the other beads which gives them the kinetic  energy. The kinetic energy passes on through the balls until it gets to the last ball, since the last ball has nowhere  to go it  turns back around and it bangs into the other ball. It works like that until the kinetic energy grows less and less and less.  Another explanation on energy transferring... If you have a swing and you are holding the swing back it has potential energy because it has the “ potential” to move and turn into kinetic energy. When you let it go it turns into kinetic energy because it is moving.
        There are two types of energy potential energy is stored and kinetic energy is moving energy.  Energy can transfer between objects.   

        In conclusion, you can see potential energy is stored energy, and you can see kinetic energy because it is moving energy.

        I hope you enjoyed my writing!

        Here is a sheet that we had to fill out. We had to see if we had meet the success crieta. I commented on how well I did, then a buddy from my writing group and then my writing teacher. Here is what they think:

        Evaluation: I think that my writing was really great because I struggle writing down ideas even though there are so many of them bubbling around in my head. Next time if I got to write more I would like to have explained more on the kinetic paragraph.

        SLC Integrity Sample

        Walt: Show integrity

        Create your own short movie about integrity - Work in 3 or 4’s
        In your video you need to:
        - Show an example of Integrity

        You will be assessing yourself on these criteria:
        What makes a good video: ( Pink is for what we could do better in the future, and yellow is for what we did really well!) 

        - conveys a clear message
        - clear voices
        - different camera angles
        - Still camera skills
        - mute background noise
        - mixture of still and moving images
        - background distractions
        - music

        Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. We had to make a short movie demonstrating our value (integrity!) I made my movie with my friend Bella. It also tells you and shows you the difference between what is integrity and what is integrity. 

        Here is our video!

        Self Assessment: I think that Bella and I did a great job with our video but it was really hard, because we had to film it on my computer. But I think it was a great idear that we did a voice over so that is was easier to here our voice!

        Buddy feed back:
        Well done you added heaps of detail. I like the way you did a voice over to make it easier to hear what you are saying!
        From Ella

        Wednesday, 11 June 2014

        SLC Science Sample

        WALT: show our understanding of how energy works.

        DESCRIPTION: We have been learning about energy. To share our learning, we have made a video to explain how energy works.

        Purpose: To make a movie to share with others.

        What: Make a video (no longer than 30 seconds) about our understanding of energy. i.e. States of matter, Potential and Kinetic energy, Newtons Cradle or forms of energy like Radiation, Convection, Conduction

        Fun Fact: Atoms is everything, what is the difference between the potential and kinetic video and the states of matter video? Atoms are everything the atoms is what stores the energy and that is potential energy.

        Evaluation: I think I did a good job making the movie with my friends but I think if we made the movie a tiny little bit longer the audience would get a even better understanding.

        Peer comment:
        I think you did a great job on your description and a great job with your movie.
        From Taylor 

        Friday, 6 June 2014

        SLC Mnemonics

        W.A.L.T Rote learn (learn off by heart.)

        In class we have been learning about mnemonics, mnemonics are when you have a word we (in our class we are using our spelling words,) well what you do is with your spelling word you grab the first letter in your spelling word lets say the you have the word because you grab the letter b the ''b'' that letter could be big. You keep making up words that turn into a funny sentence.

        Purpose: ( why we are learning this.)
        We are learning this so that we can remember our spelling words easier and if you don't remember you might remember your mnemonic that you made for that word.... so then you could just write down the letter that each word starts with and you could get 10/10 in your spelling!

        First we learnt what a mnemonic was, we did a few examples in a group and then we went of in our own place and and worked on a few by ourselves. I found that I had to go to a teacher often because I couldn't think of a word to end with!

        What I learnt:
        I learnt that it is best to start the first letter of with a name, a verb a place or a noun.

        Self assessment:
        I think I did a great job and I really liked the way I colored the first letter at the start of the word.

        Peer comment: Ha Ha Hannah thats funny you put your name in one of the sentences. -Kobe