Off we went we started with the run around the bend. I could her the people cheering go Hannah go Amy go Bella!
I got to Rongopai street.
I passed people & people passed me. My Mum was cheering for me! around the bend yay! i'm getting into the pool it was so nice getting into the pool it was like I was never HOT. I did back stroke until I felt a ferry arm it was James arm saying you have done 2 lengths hope out of the pool.
next is the bike. I got my helmet and bike and ZOOMED of. Oh dear I could see Ana just a head of me
I was scared because Ana is a really fast biker but guess what I beat her!
only by 1 though.
Now I am running down the finishing line again I could her my Mum cheering for me! I went and give my Mum a big hug she said '' Well done'' I then asked what did I come she said in the top 12th. When I did the run I felt really Hot. When I was in the pool I felt like I was cool again. When I was in the bike part I felt proud of myself because I bet some of my friends. The best part though was when my Mum gave me a big hug and said ''well done''
so that was a little bit about me doing the triathlon.
It was Great day today!