Thursday, 26 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

 In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  

1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know?
I achieved one of my goals completely which was to sleep in a room with other people. I didn't really think about this goal because I was really tired and just wanted to get to sleep! I completed half of the second goal which was to share my story and when I am sharing my story to not get embarrassed. I shared my story but I was really embarrassed and I could feel myself going bright red!

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why?
I am proud of giving everything a go even when I was nervous and scared. I am also proud of myself by working with my friends to solve problems and to give each other support when they needed some. 

3.  What challenged you the most and why?
Making the pancakes challenged me the most because I had to flip them all at the same time and I had to make the pancake batter and I didn't know how to read grams.  

A day after our Marae stay we made book marks about our experience at the marae and what our favourite parts of the Marae stay were. My 3 favourite parts of the Marae stay where sleeping in the Marae, crossing the Manawatu river and doing the Gorge walk and to represent the Gouge walk I  drew pohutukawa flowers.
Here is my book mark:

Monday, 23 March 2015

Our Pepeha

A Pepeha tells people about how you connect to a place. This is my RSS pepha.

Big Idea:
I worked with Georgia and Sophie, we had a bit of difficulty filming each other because we didn't fully know our pepeha. We also kept laughing at eachother when we made a mistake!

Triangles With Troy

We have been learning about Geometry for Maths for the past few weeks. We looked at all the different types of shapes and in particular triangles. We have learnt that there are 4 different types of triangles and we created something to share our understanding about each of them.
Big Idea
I created a poster with my friend Olivia. It explains to you all about the different triangles a Right Angle Triangle, an Equilateral Triangle a Scalene Triangle and lastly a Isosceles Triangle.
I think that Olivia and I worked really well together, I think that our poster explained all the different types of triangles really well. I think next time we could maybe use less text because a few people have said that our poster is got a lot of information that is not needed.

Feedback / FeedForward
Well done Hannah and Olivia! You guys have really done well explaining the types of triangles. You have added lots of detail and information in your poster. What I think you should work on is maybe trying to add all the information in but not in a long sentence or paragraph. Other than that your poster is MAGNIFICENT!
Aye :-P

Monday, 9 March 2015

Story Telling

Purpose: create a story to share orally
Description: Oral storytelling is a Maori tradition. We have been planning our own story to tell on the Marae in Week 7.

I was very embarrassed when I  performed my story, because about 7 people where watching me and mid way through when I was performing one of my teachers came in and watched me perform which I was embarrassed about. If I could do this task again I would not stop when my teacher came in and also I would try not to look at the audience so that I don't start laughing!

Friday, 6 March 2015


In class we did some writing about a bus stop. First we had to look at the picture of the bus stop and then we did a plan describing what the bus stop looked like, and what it's features were like!
Then we did our piece of writing. Here is mine plan and piece of writing: 

Mum, I can’t be bothered walking, i’m so tired, can’t we catch the bus? Umm ok Hannah, i’m pretty tired of walking to. Lets go and find a bus stop. “Ok” I replied and we kept walking down the road to find the closet bus stop. We walked for about 15 minutes. Suddenly I looked up. It was one of the coolest sights! Mum I screamed look how cool that is. Wow she replied! I ran up to it. 
It was bright, unique, windowless, Original, Colorful, Amusing, Shiny, Decorative, Suspicious it was also a type of shelter and then I clicked, it’s a half bus and half bus stop, and it was cool...
By Hannah

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Star Test

We have done a star test to inform our teachers what we can do and what we need to work on for reading. There where 4 parts to the Star Test.

  • Word Recognition
  • Sentence Comprehension 
  •  Paragraph Comprehension 
  • Vocabulary
Here is a photo of my test:

Big idea:
Since getting my star test results back, I have chosen a goal. My goal is Comprehension, paragraph Comprehension I can try and achieve this goal by using prior knowledge to connect with text and to make and adjust predictions: use text to confirm.